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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.

Heavy Duty Spray Pump : It is 12/12 Heavy Duty Spray Pump Multi-Purpose: sprayer for indoor and outdoor use. This sturdy sprayer is compatible with most commercial liquid fertilizers, weed killers, pesticides, herbicides & fungicides

Power (Zyme) : It is an organic products prepared from seaweed extracts. Roots develop well with the use of Nav Sankalp Power (Zyme). Due to which the ability to absorb fine micro nutrients from the ground increases. For power of every kind of crop, you can mix Power(Zyme) granular with any manure and Spray it with hands. After giving it, it is necessary to water the crop

Dahume Plus : It helps in the development of roots of plants. It helps the plants to get nutrients from the ground. Due to which the internal strength of plants grow and develop.It is used in green vegetable like cauliflower, green coriander, spinach, fenugreek, chilli etc.

It is a granulated organic manure formulated with USA technology using a combination of plant growth promoting sustainaces & organic essence in correct balance. It is used for increasing yield and quality of all kinds of crops including cereals, cotton, oilseeds, pulses vegetables, fruit crops, plantation crops etc

Increases the number of flowers in the plants. It work to increase the rate of conversion of flowers to fruits. Raaz preserves the colour and luster of fruits. Increase the weight of Fruits. Raaz is used in all kinds of vegetables, Fruits, and Pulses

New Resolution New Balwan is found in Plenty of organic carbon in it, which gives excellent quality to the agricultural land. It can be used by mixing with any fertilizer. It is a good basic elements as well as an agricultural land supplement that makes the Soil loose and airy. Neem khali N. P. K the component gradually increases the nutrients and yield power of the land for a long time. Instructions : Before planting the plant mix it with 6-8 inch deep soil . It can be used around exiting

The newly developed speed increases the growth of plants. Preserves shine and color in leaves developes roots, protects against spot of leaves.It give complete growth of plant. It is specially used in vegetables, tea garden.